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Update on Clay’s Silent Auction: We raised a total of $12,698!


This 4-Week Alignment Group Coaching Program Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) dated by your acceptance of terms and paid deposit into the program (hereinafter referred to as the “Effective Date”), made by and between NGNG Enterprises Inc., whose address is PO Box 41, Timnath, CO, 80507 (hereinafter known as the  (“Company”, “we”, or “us”) and “you” as the customer of this group coaching program (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”). Together, the Company and the Client are collectively referred to herein as the “Parties”.

WHEREAS, the Company provides a 4-week Group Coaching Experience with Amber Vilhauer, CEO/Founder of NGNG Enterprises (“Services”); and

WHEREAS, the Client wishes to retain the Company and accepts the terms of the Agreement as set forth herein for the Company to provide such Services.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants stated herein, the Parties agree as follows:


The Company agrees to provide a 4-Week Alignment Group Coaching Program for the Foundational Four FrameworkTM as introduced in Amber Vilhauer’s book Infinite Impact (hereinafter referred to as the “Program”). The Program includes:

  • 4 weekly 90-minute group coaching sessions with Amber Vilhauer live on Zoom
  • Access to a private Kajabi portal with session replays and assets, including fillable PDF workbooks, and access to our private community chat channel.

The Program runs for 4 weeks in length and begins the day of your first session. Access to the private portal with session replays and assets will be available for 3 months after the program’s conclusion.


The Client understands that the Program offered by the Company is a Group Coaching Experience with Amber Vilhauer and not a Foundational Four FrameworkTM Certification program.


The Client is solely responsible for creating and implementing their own physical, mental and emotional well-being, financial decisions, choices, actions, and results arising out of or resulting from the coaching relationship and their coaching sessions and interactions with the Company. As such, the Client agrees that the Company is not and will not be liable or responsible for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the Company. The Client understands coaching is not therapy and does not substitute for therapy if needed, and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease.


The Program is 4 weeks in length and begins the day of your first session (the “Term”). Portal access with session replays and assets will

be available for 3 months after the program’s conclusion. The Client understands that the Parties do not have a relationship after the end of the Program. If the Parties choose to continue their relationship in any way, a separate and distinct agreement will be entered into and agreed upon.


The Company is committed to providing the Client with a positive experience in the Program. By agreeing to and signing the Agreement, the Client understands that the Company may, in its sole discretion, terminate the Agreement and limit, suspend, and/or terminate the Client’s participation in the Program without a refund or forgiveness of monthly payments if the Client becomes disruptive or violates any term of the Agreement. If the Client chooses to terminate the Agreement at any time, no refunds will be issued.


Payment options for the Program:

  • 1 payment of $497 USD
  • 2-monthly payments of $250 USD
    1. Payment 1 charged at time of purchase
    2. Payment 2 will be charged 30 days following Payment 1 with the credit card on file

The Client shall pay via credit card prior to the first session.

In the event of late payments, an additional administrative fee of $50 USD will be imposed on the total program amount.


  1. NO REFUNDS The Client is responsible for their full payment, 1 payment of $497 USD or 2-monthly payments of $250 USD, regardless of whether the Client completes or participates fully in the Program. NO REFUNDS will be issued.
  2. NO CHARGEBACKS The Client will not, under any circumstances, issue or threaten to issue any chargebacks to the Company or to the Client’s credit card for any reason whatsoever related to the Program. In the event of a chargeback, the Company reserves its right to report it to the credit bureaus as a delinquent account.


The Agreement is considered a mutual non-disclosure agreement. Both Parties agree not to disclose, reveal or make use of any information learned by either party throughout the Term of the Program (“Confidential Information”). Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, information disclosed in connection with this Agreement, and shall not include information rightfully obtained from a third party. Both Parties shall keep all Confidential Information strictly confidential by using a reasonable degree of care, but not less than the degree of care used by it in safeguarding its own Confidential Information. The obligation of the Parties hereunder to hold the information confidential does not apply to information that is subsequently acquired by either Party from a third party who has a bona fide right to make such information available without restriction. Both Parties agree that any and all Confidential Information learned as of the Effective Date shall survive the termination, revocation, or expiration of the Agreement.

Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, in the event that the Client is required by law to disclose any of the Confidential Information, the Client will (i) provide the Company with prompt notice of such requirement prior to the disclosure, and (ii) give the Company all available information and assistance to enable the Company to take the measures appropriate to protect the Confidential Information from disclosure.


Material given to the Client in the course of the Program is proprietary, copyrighted and developed specifically for and by the Company. The Client agrees that such proprietary material is solely for the Client’s own personal use. Any disclosure to a third party is strictly prohibited.

The Company’s Program is copyrighted and the original materials that have been provided to the Client are for the Client’s individual use only and are granted as a single-user license. The Client is not authorized to re-sell, share, or use for profit any of the Company’s intellectual property. All intellectual property, including the Company’s copyrighted program and/or course materials, shall remain the sole property of the Company. No license to sell or distribute the Company’s materials is granted nor implied.

Further, by signing below, the Client agrees that if the Client violates, or displays any likelihood of violating, any of the Client’s agreements contained in this paragraph, the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief, without posting a bond, to prohibit any such violations and to protect against the harm of such violations.


Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company, its affiliates, officers, directors,  agents, employees, representatives, successors, independent contractors, and assigns from all direct and third party claims, demands, losses, causes of action, damages, lawsuits, expenses, fees, including attorneys’ fees, costs, and judgments that may be asserted against the Company, by any third parties that result from the errors, negligence, acts, and/or omissions of the Client and/or the Company.


Any controversy or claim between the Parties shall be settled by arbitration before a single, mutually agreed upon arbitrator under the then current rules of the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”). If the Parties cannot agree upon an arbitrator, then each party shall appoint one arbitrator and then both arbitrators, in turn, shall appoint a third neutral arbitrator to hear the matter. The decision and award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding and the award so rendered may be entered in a state court of Colorado, USA. The arbitration hearing shall be held in the state of Colorado, USA. Each party shall pay its own costs and expenses related to the arbitration, and shall split the cost of the arbitrator equally. The arbitrator will have no authority to award punitive or other non-compensatory damages to either party. No damages excluded by or in excess of any damage limitations set forth in this Agreement shall be awarded. The sole remedy for the Client shall be a refund of any amount paid to the Company.


This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Colorado, USA. Any action brought by any party arising out of or from these Terms shall be brought within the city of Timnath, state of Colorado, USA.


The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to their relationship, and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements, understandings and representations to the extent that they relate in any way to the subject matter hereof. Neither course of performance, nor course of dealing, nor usage of trade, shall be used to qualify, explain, supplement or otherwise modify any of the provisions of this Agreement. No amendment of, or any consent with respect to, any provision of this Agreement shall bind either party unless set forth by writing, specifying such waiver, consent, or amendment, signed by both parties.

The headings of Sections in the Agreement are provided for convenience only and shall not affect its construction or interpretation.


The Client understands and agrees that the Client is 100% entirely responsible for their progress and results experienced from the Program. The Company will help guide and support the Client, but the Client’s participation in, and dedication to, the Program is one of many vital elements to the Client’s success.

The Company has not and does not make any warranties, guarantees, or representations, verbally or in writing, regarding the Client’s performance, results, income, revenue, or success. The Client understands that due to the nature of the Program, the results experienced by each Client may vary. The Company does not make any guarantees other than that the Services offered in the Program shall be provided to the Client in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

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