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Update on Clay’s Silent Auction: We raised a total of $12,698!

Time To Reenergize For Q4

Let's face it – the end of the year is hard, and this year has been a rollercoaster.

It’s hard to believe we’re already into Q4 and nearing the end of this crazy year. The holidays are notorious for decreasing employee productivity, and the physical and mental stress of the past year starts to play a part in employee performance. This makes it hard for business owners to make the final push to end the year on a high note.

But we won’t surrender to that notion.

We’ve pulled together some ways to help keep your entire team motivated and finish this year strong, even in the current state of the world.

Lead by example.

Actions speak louder than words. It’s hard for employees to take speeches about finishing the year strong seriously if they don’t see the motivation from their managers. If you expect your team to push themselves to the limits by the end of the year, you will need to show them how it’s done.

Recognize great work.

Great work should be expected all year, but it’s important to recognize and praiseemployees when they go the extra mile during this final stretch. Taking the time to show appreciation will show staff members that your leadership team is paying close attention to their efforts at the end of the year.

Set realistic Q4 goals.

Back in January, leadership should have made clear goals and objectives to achieve by the end of the year. Regardless of the organization’s progress, now is the time to revisit those goals and readjust to end the year with a bang. And remember, you need to actively communicate these expectations to each member of your team. If it is not communicated, it cannot be managed.

De-clutter—mentally and environmentally.

It is time to get serious about your to-do list. Delegate whatever you can. If there are tasks on your list that have been there a long time, consider whether they’re worth doing at all and if not, donate them to the trash bin. Any annoying tasks or difficult conversations you’ve been putting off? Get them done.
And remember: Tidy desk = tidy mind. Time to clean it out. The same goes for your inbox, other documentation, computer files, etc.

Team Building

Here at NGNG, we always have Quarterly Company meetings, and will continue to do so. But with the whirlwind of this year, we’ve decided to add on some new styles of meetings. Every other Friday I have a 45 min chuck of time for our Coffee Chats. It is an open Zoom room for my team to pop in and out of as they can. It is not work related, just fun and engaging chatter – think ‘the water cooler’.

We’re also planning a 2-3 hour Q4/Holiday cocktail hour (virtual, of course) to just share some laughs and reconnect. Team building isn’t all about goals. It’s about making your team feel valued and connected.

Pay attention

I cannot stress this enough – your leadership team needs to show concern for their employees. Take the time to ask about your team’s plans for the holidays, their families, and their interests. And don’t forget to give them a chance to get to know you. You don’t have to reveal anything too deeply personal, but when everyone’s talking about their weekend, mention something you did. Or, talk about how hard it is to see friends or family struggling with their health or how to explain to your toddler why the family pet died. These are real things that each and every one of us are dealing with, so find a way to use it to connect.

Ready to light a fire under your business? Reply here and tell me how you are reenergizing your team through the end of the year. I’d love to hear from you!

To your continued success,

P.S. Take care of yourself.




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AmberV believes that in order to win the attention war online, we must focus on developing meaningful connections with individuals in our communities to scale our influence.

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