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How to Systematize Your Business Process to Free Time for Creativity With YA Author Julian Winters

systematize your business process

Every aspect of your work is important, but sometimes you need to find a way to systematize your business process and prioritize so that you can maximize your outreach.

During an Author Up Live Hot Seat with young adult author Julian Winters, who is releasing his third book The Summer of Everything in August 2020, AJ Harper and I discuss how to document and systematize your business process. By doing this, you can open up more time to get creative and focus on the part of your business that only YOU can do. For Julian, it’s necessary for him to systematize so that he’s not losing precious writing time!

AJ and I were so happy speak with Julian – even just a for a little bit – about how he can connect more with his audience while maintaining his creative time. It was great to be a small part of his journey in order for him to get his AWESOME message out into the world more effectively!

Tune in below learn tips on how to systematize your business process and:

  • How you can open doors to MORE creative opportunities on social media through systematizing your baseline content
  • Why you should hire an assistant as part of a book launch team to FREE YOURSELF to promote creatively…and think outside of the fiction box re: marketing!
  • How to get sponsored at more events by developing a personal connection in your outreach

Quick Insight: Go LIVE on your social media networks in unexpected places to expand your readership. 

What do you do to manage your time and resources? Give us some tips on what works for you!

Did you enjoy today’s Hot Seat? If so, could you do me a HUGE favor and share it with anyone you think could use this boost of motivation? I’d be forever grateful!

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Here are the links that were mentioned during the LIVESTREAM:

AuthorUp Live – March 23-24, 2020

Discount Code – 500OFF + we are covering 2 nights of your hotel FREE when you register NOW

Order What To Do About The Solomons –

Put Amber in the HOT SEAT, and apply for a FREE 1-1 Strategy session here –

Let’s make your next book a bestseller!

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Have a topic you’d like me to share tips about?  Click here and let me know!  I’d love to hear from you!

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AmberV believes that in order to win the attention war online, we must focus on developing meaningful connections with individuals in our communities to scale our influence.

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