ELEVATE Series: with Li Hayes
This is a must-see for ALL speakers, business owners, or anyone thinking of stepping into that world! Today, on the ELEVATE series, Li Hayes does not hold back when it comes to what it takes to stand out in today’s virtual speaking world.
ELEVATE Series: with Peter Kozodoy
This guy’s energy is the BEST way to start out the week! I am so excited to be joined by Peter Kozodoy today on the Elevate Series!
ELEVATE Series: With Patti Zorr and Barry Magliarditi
Today is an exciting day on the ELEVATE Series. Patti Zorr is joined by Barry Magliarditi on the week of his book launch. Tune in as we discuss the whirlwind process and his new book, The Path to Freedom.
ELEVATE Series: A Big Announcement with Isaac Stegman!
There are so many amazing things going on right now, and today Isaac Stegman joined me on the Elevate Series to announce something new!
ELEVATE Series: How To Be YOUR Best & Why It Matters with Darrell Stinson, Jimmy Farris, and Isaac Stegman
All I can say about this ELEVATE Series is WOW. These guys have so much heart and are making such a big impact just by being who they are. I know you’re going to love this episode as much as I did.
ELEVATE Series: The Powerful Impact of Human Connection with Ian Jones and Pete Bombaci
WOW! I cannot say enough about this Elevate Series conversation with Pete Bombaci and Ian Jones. It was SO needed and so incredibly valuable.
ELEVATE Series: Scaling Your Business and Learning To Pivot with Elizabeth Hartke and Greg Hickman
Get ready to take some notes! This ELEVATE Series conversation with Elizabeth Hartke and Greg Hickman is PACKED!
ELEVATE Series: All About Virtual Summits with Damon Yudichak
On this session of the #ELEVATEseries, we decided to change it up! Damon Yudichak put ME in the Hot Seat asking me all about Summits!
ELEVATE Series: Talking More Than Just Real Estate with with Barry Habib, Megan Anderson, and Scott Groves
This #ELEVATEseries is a discussion with Barry Habib, Megan Anderson, and Scott Groves about more WAY MORE than just Real Estate!
ELEVATE Series: Hitting Rock Bottom, Getting Through It, and What To Do Next with Arjun Channa and Ken Andrukow
In this #ELEVATEseries, Arjun, Ken, and I had a POWERFUL conversation about hitting rock bottom, how to get through it, and what to do next.