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When is the Best Time to Start Marketing Your Book? With Author Stephen Drum

best time for marketing your book

It’s never too early to start marketing your book! There is SO MUCH planning and strategy that go into writing and promoting a book, so it’s important to know as much as possible about the best time to start marketing your book and when to get yourself “out there.” In this Author Up Live Hot Seat […]

How to Have a #1 Best Selling Book Launch with Author Destin Gerek

Best Selling Book Launch

Are you thinking of writing a book? Are you curious about what it takes to launch and leverage your book for long-term sales success? NGNG Enterprises Book Launch Coordinator, Patti Springer Zorr, started working with Destin Gerek, in the Fall of 2019. His book, The Evolved Masculine, launched on January 7, 2020, becoming a best-seller […]

How to Have a #1 Best Selling Book Launch with Author John Briggs

book launch

Have you ever wondered what it takes to launch and leverage your book, not just for short-term success, but for long-term sales success? Patti Springer Zorr, Book Launch Coordinator for NGNG Enterprises, spent some time with one of our clients, John Briggs, to discuss his path to becoming a Best Selling Author on the first […]

Unconventional Methods for Marketing Your Book with Fiction Author Bethany Ball

marketing your book

Have you thought about an alternative approach to marketing your book? Nowadays, traditional book tours don’t necessarily have to be the route to take when you’re marketing your book. During an exciting Author Up Live Hot Seat with Bethany Ball, author of What to Do About The Solomons and who will soon release her second […]

How to Build Your Reputation for a Successful Launch


How do you launch something new before you’ve built a reputation? I just hopped off an interview for Mike Michalowicz‘s podcast, Elevated Entrepreneurship, and we discussed this very question in depth. The actual episode will go live sometime in March, where we dive deep into all facets of marketing an upcoming launch. Today, I want […]

AJ Harper – Marketing Your Book into a Bestseller


Did your book become a bestseller and exceed all your expectations on launch day? If not, you should be watching this video! AJ Harper and I share our game-changing insights on how we’re already blowing expectations out of the water with Mike Michalowicz’s upcoming book launch, Fix This Next. If you’re a new author, or […]

Mike Michalowicz – The Secret Behind a Successful Author


Are you an aspiring author with a book to share with the world and need direction on where to start? You’ve had a book in you, begging to be written into reality, yet you have no clue how to make it happen. If that sounds like you, then this live stream replay is calling your […]

Katie Cross on the Power of Storytelling


Wondering if the power of storytelling has become obsolete? Today’s live interview with the incredible author, Katie Cross, not only answers that question (it’s a resounding NO by the way) but goes into detail on why storytelling is one of the most powerful marketing tools you possess! Katie helps entrepreneurs save time by ghostwriting, producing, […]

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